
Want to be an effective project manager? (7 min read)

By Julian Faita What is a project manager? A project manager is responsible for the procurement, planning, and execution of a project that has a defined scope, start date, and finish date. Generally, any problems that arise during the completion of the project are brought to the project manager before being escalated to a senior-level […]


Investing 101 (5 minute read)

By Iyvan Chandran What is Financial Literacy? Possessing competence in financial literacy generally means understanding and being able to apply saving, budgeting, and investing strategies. It also includes understanding the importance of saving and planning for your retirement and having a general understanding of taxes. Keep in mind that being in good financial health does […]


Experiential Learning: The Benefits Will Last a Lifetime!

By Samantha Cesario When asked about their university experience, many graduates say that one of the main highlights for them was their involvement in extracurricular activities. Whether it be bonding with your design team or holding events with your fellow society, involvement throughout university not only makes for a fun-filled journey, but allows us to […]


How Advocating For Yourself Leads To Academic Success?

By Iyvan Chandran Self-advocacy is not only useful for supporting changes that students want to see in their institutions, but can also be applied beyond the academic scope. It may be the most important foundational skill to be successful in university. In my opinion, students can only thrive in university if they are able to […]


Want to Boost Your Career Prospects? Read the Following Tips From a Recent Alumna!

By Julian Faita Developing your career prospects can take a lot of hard work and dedication, especially as a student! This is probably because career development can mean different things to different people. For some it is finding a meaningful job, for others it is being an entrepreneur, and for some it it is going […]